Bed Bugs Be Gone!

Contact us for bed bug treatment services in Rockwall, TX and the greater DFW area.

When you lie down in bed each night, the last thing you want to think about is bed bugs. Unfortunately, bed bugs are very common, and clearing out an infestation can be a complex process. Don't attempt to do it yourself, contact a trusted bed bug pest specialist. Partner with Rockwall Mosquito and Pest Control for our bed bug treatment services.

We are trained to diagnose and treat all types of bed bug problems. Because every home and circumstance is different, we will work with you to design a unique program for your situation. Give us a call today!

Bed Bug Risks

Bed bugs are small, flat, invasive insects that survive off the blood of sleeping people and animals. Various dangers are associated with these insects including:

  • Skin Infections: most people develop itchy, red welts, or swelling a day or two after being bitten.
  • Allergic Reactions: some people may experience allergic reactions that might require medical attention.
  • Anxiety: stressing about your living situation and the state of your family due to an infestation can impact your everyday life.
  • Lack of Sleep: stressing about going to bed or nighttime can affect your sleep which will impact you physically and mentally.
  • Fast-Paced Reproduction/Infestation: bed bugs multiply very quickly. A female bed bug can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime.